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  • 台湾高铁


    台湾高铁 Taiwan High Speed Rail台湾高铁连结台湾南北主要城市,我们不只是交通运输业,更是推动台湾 前进的服务业;我们代表的不仅只是速度,而是速度所带来的现代生活新态度;我们以更文明的旅行体验,...www.thsrc.com.tw

    www.thsrc.com.tw - 2020-07-28 - 收藏
  • China Manufacturer Directory

    China Manufacturer Directory

    CantonFairTrading.com is a Sourcing platform with high quality Suppliers and products in China, we provide professional sourcing services for oversea buyers,include soucring meeting in office, china factory visit, sourcing salon and fair service

    www.cantonfairtrading.com - 2020-07-21 - 收藏
  • 中国高速公路网


    中国高速公路网(www.china-highway.com)是国内最大的高速公路行业门户网站, 创办于1998年8月,全面致力于中国高速公路行业信息规划建设。中国高速公路网-行业最大门户网站 www.china-highway.com

    www.china-highway.com - 2020-06-29 - 收藏
  • 20 Minutes

    20 Minutes

    Pour ne rien rater de l\'actu, rendez-vous sur 20minutes.fr: la Politique, le Sport, l\'Economie, tous les sujets sont sur 20minutes.fr. Retrouvez aussi le journal en pdf.www.20minutes.fr

    www.20minutes.fr - 2020-06-28 - 收藏
  • The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校

    The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校

    TIS is a vibrant and rapidly growing school with over 1000 students from 44 different countries. Fully accredited with the Ministry of Education in Alberta, Canada, TIS offers a well-rounded curriculum for students in PreK to Grade 12.The International School of Macao: 澳門國際學校www.tis.edu.mo

    www.tis.edu.mo - 2020-06-26 - 收藏
  • Highcharts官网


    Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your web pages.www.highcharts.com Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage | Highcharts

    www.highcharts.com - 2020-06-26 - 收藏
  • 2013北京市高考成绩查询



    query.bjeea.cn - 2020-05-05 - 收藏
  • 梵克雅宝官网


    梵克雅宝是法国顶级珠宝及腕表品牌,成立于1906年,自诞生以来一直是世界各国贵族和名流雅士所钟爱的顶级珠宝品牌,梵克雅宝坚持采用上乘宝石和材质,加以精湛的镶嵌技艺、匠心独具的理念,成就了其不朽的百年传奇。梵克雅宝的创作风格一向以精致、流畅、浑然天成的优雅著称,除了珠宝外,还提供戒指、腕表、香水等。梵克雅宝赢尽天下名流的欢心,包括温莎公爵、伊丽莎白·泰勒、索菲亚·罗兰、奥戴利·赫本、伊朗国王与皇后等。Van Cleef & Arpels has been creating High Jewelry on Place Vendôme since 1906. Always str

    www.vancleefarpels.com - 2020-05-04 - 收藏
  • 中国中学网站


    中国中学网站·专注反思 提升素养——记中国中学教师喜获“我... 2012-11-07 ·喜迎十八大 我们强身健体-2012年中... 2012-11-05 ·让青春飞扬 让信念传承:记中国...www.chinahighschool.net

    www.chinahighschool.net - 2020-04-23 - 收藏
  • UNHCR(联合国难民署)


    The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly. The agency is mandated to lead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problems worldwide.

    www.unhcr.org - 2020-04-20 - 收藏
共 22 条123»